My name is Jenny Appleton and I am Primary Improvement Lead (PIL) for SEND across the Trust. My substantive role is Assistant Principal/SENCO/DSL at Yew Tree Primary Academy. My teaching career to date highlights that I am a passionate advocate of Inclusion and creating the best possible opportunities for children with additional needs. I have been a SENCO for 18 years, I have taught in primary across all key stages, run a secondary specialist provision, worked as a senior leader at an Alternative Provision school before starting my current role, which I love.
I greatly enjoy the opportunity as SEND Improvement Lead to visit other settings and work with the team of excellent SENCOs throughout the trust. The role allows me to complete SEND reviews, offer strategic advice and support, provide training on an individual and whole staff level. I enjoy the wide variety of work and being a small part of ensuring that all children have the best possible outcomes.
Wade Deacon Trust
Birchfield Road
Tel: 0151 458 3400