A multi-academy trust (MAT) is a single entity established to undertake a strategic collaboration to improve and maintain high educational standards across a number of schools, which has overarching responsibility for their governance. The MAT is accountable for the performance of each school in the group, although each can still have their own governing body which operates subject to delegation of power from the MAT. A master funding agreement with the MAT, and supplemental funding agreements with each individual school, is signed by the Secretary of State for Education.
Statutory Documents |
Admission Arrangements |
Financial Accounts |
Funding AgreementsMaster Funding Agreement - Wade Deacon Trust (2023) Supplemental Funding Agreement - Halewood Academy Supplemental Funding Agreement - Hillside High School Supplemental Funding Agreement - Sylvester Primary Academy Supplemental Funding Agreement - The Grange School Supplemental Funding Agreement - Wade Deacon High School Supplemental Funding Agreement - Weston Point Primary Academy Supplemental Funding Agreement - Whiston Willis Primary Academy |
GovernanceArticles Of Association (Adopted 2023) Terms of Reference - Audit & Compliance Committee Terms of Reference - Standards Committee Trust Register of Pecuniary Interests 2024-2025 Trustee Attendance - Trust Board Meetings |
Gender Pay Gap Statements |
Public Sector Apprenticeship Target ReportsPublic Sector Apprenticeship Target Report 2022 |
Trade Union Facility Time ReportsFacility Time Report 2023-2024 |
Wade Deacon Trust
Birchfield Road
Tel: 0151 458 3400
Email: trust@wadedeacontrust.co.uk