Wade Deacon Trust is proud to be working with The Aspire Hub, a Challenge Partners partnership.
An expanding group of 19 Primary & Secondary Schools across Bolton, Bury, Tameside and Knowsley who have formed a Challenge Partner’s partnership as – The Aspire Hub. Together we collaborate to support school improvement, leadership development and effective knowledge exchange to be used in everyday practice, in order to benefit all children and add value to each school!
Our mission is to reduce educational inequality and improve the life chances of all children.
Through collaboration, challenge and professional development, we are working to ensure every school community can benefit from the combined wisdom of the education system.
To work towards our mission, we have collectively adopted these four core aims that guide what we do:
Visit The Aspire Hub website: www.theaspirehub.com
Wade Deacon Trust
Birchfield Road
Tel: 0151 458 3400
Email: trust@wadedeacontrust.co.uk