My name is Kate Ireland and I am Assistant Vice Principal at The Grange Academy. Within our school, I lead Key Stage Two supporting in the development of, and raising attainment in, teaching and learning; behaviour and attitudes. I am also responsible for the professional development of our subject leaders and supporting in curriculum development across our school. I am also our school reading lead, developing our reading curriculum and monitoring the impact of this on pupil attainment.
I am passionate about curriculum and am proud to have the position of Primary Improvement Lead for the Foundation Curriculum across the Trust. Within this role, I want to support our schools and subject leaders in designing and implementing a curriculum that meets the needs of, and challenges its pupils. Pupils excel in different areas; therefore, it is important that they are exposed to a broad and balanced curriculum that introduces them to a wide variety of skills and knowledge.
Supporting our subject leaders’ professional development is a key aspect of this role, developing them as leaders to ensure they are confident and able to implement, deliver and monitor the impact of their subject within their school.
Collaboration is essential for professional development, I want to ensure that subject leaders work together across our Trust through attending termly Subject Leader Network Meetings. These sessions will provide the opportunity to share good practice, offer support and engage in professional dialogue which will continue to support school improvement and consistency within the curriculum across our MAT.
Assessment of the Foundation Subjects can be challenging. I want to support our schools and subject leaders in developing an effective system in which progress and attainment can be identified and used to enhance learning and curriculum development. Working together to produce standardisation documents that ensures consistency whilst supporting teaching and learning.
Wade Deacon Trust
Birchfield Road
Tel: 0151 458 3400