Simon Corner, the Director of Secondary Education at Wade Deacon Trust, is a commissioner of a key research project which is investigating the link between pupil engagement, attendance and academic outcomes.
Commissioners are researching “whether student engagement – the level of commitment, involvement and emotional investment a student has with their school – is a powerful signal of their future attendance and attainment.”
The research study, which is led by the ImpactEd Group, is bringing together 23 education leaders from across the country, including Simon Corner, who is also the Principal at Wade Deacon High School. The project is set to reach over 100,000 pupils.
The Group is currently looking for more trusts, groups, schools and local authorities to sign up to the study which is on track to produce large-scale engagement data. For more information, please visit the links below:
Wade Deacon Trust
Birchfield Road
Tel: 0151 458 3400